
When 250+ People Come to a Retreat…

JH-Retreat-FeatureAs of right now, there are currently 258 spots filled for our annual Fall Jr. High Retreat this weekend. 258! This is perhaps the biggest programmed youth retreat we have ever had. Camp has close to 300 beds, so don’t worry, no one will have to sleep outside! Knowing that most of those people will be energetic and amazing Jr. Highers, the weekend is bound to be insane in the best of ways. We are thrilled to have 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from all across the state up at camp this weekend to get just a few days to have fun, play tons of games, connect with each other, and ultimately, grow closer with Jesus Christ.

Having a retreat that will be bursting at the seams prompts us to ask those around camp what they think “When 250+ people come to the Jr. High Retreat…” Here’s what they said:

When 250+ people come to the Jr. High Retreat…

“It’s a blast!”14
-Kathy Smith

“I can’t wait for the exciting worship energy!”
-Dave Nesburg

“No more than 10 seconds will pass without someone dabbing.”
-Luke Johnson

“Campers get a glimpse that the Kingdom is bigger than 250! Also, there will definitely be a pleasing aroma to the Lord…”
-Peter Ek

lit“At least 20 of them will only wear shorts, even though it may snow!”
-Beth Piccard

“We’re bound to get a glimpse of what heaven feels like and to be reminded of what it looks like to have childlike faith.”
-Linnea Anderson

“It’s gonna be #lit”
-Quinn Bos (said while dabbing)


WE CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS WEEKEND!! For a glimpse at all the craziness, check out our Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat (portagelake) accounts throughout the weekend. And please keep PLCBC in your prayers as camp continues to be a place where people can come and experience Christ all throughout the year!