Junior High Camp (7th-9th grade)

Entering grades 7-9

When: (1) July 14-19 and (2) August 4-9, 2024
Where: Portage Lake Bible Camp
Cost: $480 by Dec. 31
$495 by Feb. 28
$515 by May 15
$530 after May 15

Speaker: JH1: Mike Bechtold JH2: Natalee Urban

Click here to register!

“It was the absolute best week of my summer and I never ever want to leave!”
-Vanessa, a Junior High camper

Junior High weeks are an unforgettable experience! Campers get to encounter everything camp has to offer from the high ropes course and giant swing to extra free time and awesome day-trip options. Chapel services are filled with incredible, energetic worship and life-changing messages. As always, Junior High camp is an unplugged week! With chapels and devotions, testimonies from staff members, and conversations, campers have the opportunity to learn more about Jesus and what it means to live a life following and experience Him.


What does a “typical” day at camp look like?


When What Description
8:00AM WAKE UP IN CABINS Time to start the day!
8:25AM FIRST WORD BY THE LAKE Short devotional as a whole camp
8:30AM BREAKFAST Campers & counselors eat together as a cabin
9:15AM MORNING WATCH Individual Bible reading/prayer time (each camper is given a guide)
9:45AM CABIN CLEAN-UP Each cabin takes time to tidy their cabin
10:00AM MORNING CHAPEL Worship & message from the speaker
11:30AM MORNING ACTIVITY Campers will be led in a safe & fun game or skill!
12:30PM LUNCH Campers & counselors eat together as a cabin
1:15PM REST HOUR Campers spend time relaxing and digesting in the cabin
2:30PM FREE TIME Waterfront, ropes elements, sports, crafts, and more!
5:30PM DINNER Campers & counselors eat together as a cabin
6:30PM CHAPEL Worship & message from the speaker
7:30PM CANTEEN TIME Snack shop open & fun cabin hangout time
8:15PM EVENING PROGRAMMING Campers will participate in an age-specific activity designed for their camp
10:15PM CABIN REFLECTION Wrap up the day talking about Jesus!
10:30PM LIGHTS OUT Time to sleep!


  • Sending your child to camp is a huge decision! At PLCBC, we understand the commitment, trust, and concern that comes with sending a child away for a weekend or week-long camp experience. If you, or someone you know, has any questions or concerns about the camp experience, especially for young children, watch this video, or consult the “Questions from Parents” page hear about the way Portage Lake is set up to create a safe, memorable, and fun experience for you child.