
Summer Snapshots

This past summer has been another one for the books. As always, God was moving in big ways. I was fortunate enough to get to come back to camp and serve as the Program Assistant. Through my role I got to watch the all the fun and games go down. The theme this year was from 1 Peter 2:5. “You yourselves as living stones are being built up as a spiritual house.” These “living stones” were everywhere this summer! The worship in the chapel, the joy of the canteen, the endless beauty of the creation all around us, everything at camp this summer truly reminded us that God is present and working in our lives every day. Witnessing His “Spiritual House” being built in everything that happened at PLCBC is the reason I love this place so much. When I look back on all the fun from the summer, I have many “mental snapshots” flooding through my head.

1. Counselors praying over their campers13996152_874732679294278_8730196844817939354_o

I love seeing the way counselors interact and pour into the campers. One of the best ways that the counselors do that is by praying over and with them. Each Wednesday morning before the gospel is presented that night, counselors pray individually with their campers, and it is amazing to look outside the chapel and see camp filled with counselors blessing their kids by connecting with God together. That’s what it’s all about!


2. Kids running around13906920_870680233032856_5737872212981835016_n

One of the best parts about my job is being able to watch the kids play games of all kinds, whether its big games or smaller scale games, these kids love to have fun. I love seeing all the sweaty, determined, painted, laughing faces running around in God’s creation.

3. Worship in the chapel

I guess this one is more of a video snapshot, but one of my favorite parts about camp is chapel. I love it when
DSC_0713everyone is worshipping together and the worship leader takes a step back, the instruments cut out and all you can hear are the voices singing. It seriously brings me to tears, hearing the voices of God’s people singing out praises to Him, with nothing else seeming to matter to anyone but bringing praise to our great Creator. I cannot explain how blessed I am to get to be a part of such a place like Portage Lake Covenant Bible Camp. God does so many amazing things through the staff, kids, and families. He reminds me everyday of His great power and of His unmatchable love for us.

-Emma Peterson, Program Assistant

Emma Peterson