Welcome PLCBC’s New Executive Director!
A Letter from Chairperson of the Board: 
To Portage Lake Covenant Bible Camp family and friends:
The Board of Directors of Portage Lake Covenant Bible Camp is pleased to announce that Marc Eix has accepted the position of Executive Director. The Camp Board Search Committee was formed in 2019 to oversee the process to find the replacement for Dave Nesburg. It has been a long but very affirming process as we discerned where God was calling us to carry on the ministry of Camp with this new hire. We were blessed with many quality candidates, who all had their various strengths and gifts to offer. After many interviews and much prayer and discussion, we felt strongly as a group that Marc was the candidate that God wanted for Camp at this time.
Marc and his family have a rich history at Camp, and he is keenly aware of the path we have followed to get to this point in time. He looks forward to carrying on the vision of Camp and listening to the Spirit’s direction for our future. He will be leaving his position as pastor of First Covenant Church in Red Wing, Minnesota to take up residence at Portage Lake and will be arriving in April. The family will follow him at the end of the school year. Marc will begin working as soon as possible with the current staff during his transition in order to prepare for the coming season.
The Search Committee thanks everyone for their prayers and patience. These were vital in completing this process and a reminder to all that God’s timing is always best. The Great Lakes Conference Board has approved this selection and affirms our choice for the new Executive Director. The Camp board is most grateful to Gage Flanery for his tireless work during this time as the interim director.
There is plenty of work ahead of us as we finish strong with the Capital Campaign and the plans for the new Dining Hall. Look for more communication on that topic, but for now, we trust that God has that process firmly in his grip as well.
We serve a loving Father, so let us run the race with abandon and show the world the love that comes from knowing Jesus.
Your companion on the journey,
Lars Anderson
Chair, Board of Directors
Portage Lake Covenant Bible Camp
A Word from Marc Eix:
It is my absolute joy to accept this leadership role at Camp. Portage Lake is where I gave my life to Christ in the old red chapel in 1979, experienced a transformational shift as a camp counselor in college that altered my life’s direction, and heard my call to seminary and pastoral ministry among people who’ve known me my entire life. As a pastor in Manistee I had the opportunity to walk with people at camp as a speaker and the privilege to perform dozens of baptisms and weddings. This role brings me full-circle to lead a ministry that has profoundly shaped my life from childhood through having children of my own and now allows me to help instigate that life-changing power in the kids, college students, families, pastors, and communities that camp touches. I am incredibly excited to be part of the way God leads all of us through the continued ministry at Portage Lake. I’ll see you all this summer, if not before.