My Camp Story
Jess, Jordan, Andrew, Tony, Anthony, Du, Wes, Jacob, Nick, Michael, Devin, Quinn… While those are just a few names that might not mean anything to you, they are names that mean the world to me. That is because these are the names representing counselors and leaders I have had every year while being a Read More

48 Days!
Summer 2017 is getting close! For the last two days, PLCBC has enjoyed weather in the mid 70’s and some beautiful sunshine! In 48 days, Portage Lake Buddies will officially kick off another amazing summer at camp! Here’s 48 things for those 48 days that we can all look forward to this summer: Jesus changing Read More

Share Your Camp Story!
Send In Your Stories! The power of an experience at camp can be life-changing. For over 70 years, Jesus Christ has impacted lives at Portage Lake Bible Camp in incredible and incredibly different ways. If you love camp and have had an experience (or experiences) you want to share, we would LOVE to hear your story! Read More

The History of Gaga Ball
How Gaga Came to Camp Gaga Ball became the #1 game to play at Portage Lake in a matter of weeks. About six summers ago, Mark Ronda, the summer ropes director, led an Experiential – various activities led by staff members that campers can choose to learn/participate in – called “Gaga Ball.” The game came Read More

Portage Lake Origins: A new blog series!
Ever wonder where certain things at camp come from? There are TONS of games, structures, adventure challenges, and traditions that make PLCBC the place that it is today, and we want to find out more about where they came from! About once a week, Portage Lake staffers, campers, and other guest contributors Read More