Getting to PLCBC in 1, 2, 3!
A week at camp can be one of the most fun times in a child’s early life, but it can also be so much more valuable than that. We know that you, as parents, want your child to become joyful followers of Jesus Christ in a world that desperately needs Him. Portage Lake is a place Read More

When 250+ People Come to a Retreat…
As of right now, there are currently 258 spots filled for our annual Fall Jr. High Retreat this weekend. 258! This is perhaps the biggest programmed youth retreat we have ever had. Camp has close to 300 beds, so don’t worry, no one will have to sleep outside! Knowing that most of those people will Read More

Focus on the process, do the next right thing, and get ROOTED! Anyone who talks to me around this time of year has a hard time not knowing that I am a fan of the Chicago Cubs. If you have not been around to witness the anxiety and lack of sleep that accompanies following playoff Read More

Only 30 Tickets Left!
Are you coming to the very first Portage Lake Bible Camp Gala? If not, here are 10 reasons why you don’t want to miss out on this incredible event! It’s like Family Camp – only shorter and no kids We’re having (wait for it…) Green Dragon for dessert!!! Reconnect with old & new camp friends. Read More

The Fun Never Stops
Portage Lake in the summertime is just about as good as it gets. The sun is shining, the lake is warm, and camp is flooded with campers of all ages week after week. It is SO much fun to have this place filled up time and time again, and we are so thankful that the Read More