Why Restaurants are Different Than My Commitment to Christ
On the way to camp Friday night for the Senior High Whiteout Retreat, my van stopped at Mancinos Pizza & Grinders for dinner. After the retreat was over, we stopped at Big Al’s Pizza for lunch. I have heard that there is a raging debate over which establishment is preferred within the Portage Lake community. Read More

Lessons from Breathe
Everything I need to know about motherhood, I learned from Breathe Ok, maybe that’s not totally true, but I have gotten to know other moms, heard their stories and saw what it looks like to be a faithful, encouraging mom. I have two kids, Norah (2) and Luke (11 months). A lot of days I Read More

Midwinter 2016
We’ve been back for two days after a week of staff recruiting, church promos, and three days of fellowship and learning at the ACCCC’s (Association of Covenant Camps and Conference Centers) meeting during Covenant Midwinter in Chicago. It was a crazy week that was as energizing as it was draining. Sounds a lot like camp, Read More

Looking Back on 2015
As 2015 comes to a close it’s easy to be thankful for the big moments of the year. A record number of summer kids campers (919!!!), more scholarship money given away than ever before (close to $40,000), over 400 summer campers saying they made first time commitments or recommitted their lives to Christ. But for Read More

Portage Lake Gift Cards!
PLCBC is proud to now offer gift cards for campers of all ages! These cards can be made up of any amount, and can be used for any camp costs. Registration, cash cards, Cool Beans, camp store, anything! Here’s how it works: 1. Call camp at (231) 889-5911 2. Order a gift card in any Read More